Service & Support
The murrplastik labeling system for single wires, switchgear, terminals, cables, control and signal units and conduits is one of the most universal on the market. We have developed our labelings for many components from well-known manufacturers.
Here you can find our tools for licensing your software. Furthermore, our labeling and engraving material searches facilitate the selection of the suitable material.

Here you will find the suitable labeling software, labeling material parameters and hardware drivers for your murrplastik labeling system.
Go to download page
Labeling material search
Here you will find the suitable labeling material for each manufacturer.
Search labeling material
Engraving material search
Here you will quickly find the right engraving material for each manufacturer.
Search engraving material
Helpdesk Online
With our Helpdesk Online Portal you can open a ticket directly with our support to get help with hardware or software problems.
Create ticket
Here you will find solutions to the most frequently requested subjects regarding the handling of our hardware and software.
Find solutions
Remote control session
This web client is used to connect us to your computer. The client is applied only in case of an existing telephone support. After running the client, you will receive a session number by phone from our staff, which you enter into the corresponding text field of the client. A name to run the application is not required. No contact details are saved. Recording of the remote session can be done on request, your approval is required.
Start remote maintenance